Midwives,OB-GYNs, Family Medicine, Pediatricians
As a community resource, the Palouse Doula Collective (PDC) organization, does not endorse or recommend providers. PDC can not validate accuracy of credentials including certifications, licenses, or trainings of listed businesses and providers. Each care provider, business, and practices have a wide range of philosophies and PDC encourages every consumer to explore care from providers/businesses that support your personal philosophies.
Motherwise Midwifery
Nancy Drazin, CPM, LM; Home Birth Midwife
Nancy Drazin, CPM, LM is the longest practicing midwife in the region. Motherwise Midwifery provides one-on-one comprehensive prenatal, birth, and postpartum care in clients' homes. We are delighted to offer water birth and VBAC.
Eden: A Midwifery Practice
Ivy Warwick, CPM, LM
Serves Nez Perce, Latah, Idaho, Whitman, Asotin, and Garfield counties. Home visits are provided in addition to office visits. The addition of an Air B and B exclusively for births has been a wonderful addition to this practice and gives options to many families that live farther distances.
OB-GYN and Family Medicine Doctors:
Deeply Rooted Healing Haven
Dr. Kelly Haase, ND
Naturopathic doctor also trained in applied kinesiology, craniosacral therapy, acupuncture, NET and flower essences.